The Power & Science of Physical Touch

Touch comes naturally when we are children, but we unlearn touch through socialization and from the fear of sending the wrong messages. This means we can become deprived of love and unskilled at knowing how to communicate on-verbal signs of affection.
“Touch is the first sense we acquire
and the secret weapon in many a successful relationship.“
We all need touch to feel connected. We enjoy the taste of food on our tongue. We love the sensation of having something in our hands to toss, catch or throw. We like it when the right person reaches out to us and puts their hand on our shoulder or back, even just for a moment. In sports, athletes pat each other on the backside to congratulate one another on a job well-done.
In fact, studies have shown that sport teams that indulge in such congratulatory signs of appreciation are more prone to win games further on into the season.
Children, men and women alike need touch. It is one of the most powerful means for us to maintain our well-being individually and relationally. It is one of best ways for us to bolster up our self-confidence and become successful in life.
See this article for full details on The Power of Touch, by Rick Chillot, published March 11, 2013 in Psychology Today.
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