How to Achieve Your Goals

“People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going.”
— Earl Nightingale
Where do you want to take you life? Do you know?
Do you have a vision that energizes you, or have you accepted to live a life well below your potential?
If we wait for motivation, we may be waiting a very long time. Motivation is created with vision, focus and momentum.
What this video:
How to stop screwing yourself over – Mel Robbins TEDx
The above video explains so well how we can have roadblocks that prevent us from getting what we want out of life.
Sitting down with a skilled professional can help you get greater clarity on the path you need to take to reach your dreams. We don’t need to stay stuck. We don’t need to live depressed and anxious.
Creating forward momentum energizes and gives us a sense of purpose
Right now, take just 5 minutes and write down everything you’d want to change in your life. If you could get to a happier place in life, what would that look like?
Now, take 2 more minutes and ask yourself: What’s holding me back?
The greatest thing that holds us back is our mind-set. We think negative defeating thoughts. We see how hard it’ll be to achieve what we want and we give up. No one said that reaching your dreams is going to be easy. It is hard work. But… when we have a clear plan and focus, it gets a whole lot easier.
When we are clear on what we want – in Relationships, Career and our Personal Life – we finally find the momentum we need to create the life we most desire.
Motivation & Success Counselling Calgary
Michael Haggstrom is skilled at helping clients discover the motivation they need as they work toward fulfilling a vision that excites them, personally, professionally and relationally. Call or Email.