The Importance of Family At Wanda's Pie in the Sky, Kensington, Toronto Family can be one of the most enriching or horrible experiences we may every have. This May long weekend I flew to Toronto with my two daughters to visit my son who lives there. My son takes the time to often fly here to Calgary and we thought it was time for us to return the favour. The first day the weather was rainy, so we headed downtown to the St. Laurence Market and then returned to my son's apartment playing a new card game (40 ladders), talking and enjoying homemade lentil soup, along with sharing a [...]
#1 Reason for Communication Failure
CalgaryCounsellors2017-05-03T13:07:40-07:00What is the #1 Reason for Communication Failure? written by Michael Haggstrom, Doctor in Counselling, Calgary Answer: Failing to Listen Most people believe they communicate as effectively as their colleagues or even above average (study of 8000 subjects by Haney, W.V), but according to the studies of Husman, the average person only listens at a 25% efficiency rate. Now that we have cell phones and social media, listening has drastically decreased even more since that study was released! I see this in my office. Early on in the process of relationship counselling, I invite couples to discuss a recurring conflict together so I can observe what happens. Inevitably, neither listens. Each tries to convince the other person that [...]

Calgary Marriage Counselling & Gottman Therapy
CalgaryCounsellors2017-05-02T12:23:25-07:00- Marriage Counselling & Gottman Therapy, Calgary - The Science of Love and Conflict How a Directive Counselling Approach Helps Couples Thrive - Written by Michael Haggstrom, Doctor in Counselling, Calgary - What I found in working with couples over the past 25 years is that poorly managed conflict is the most common reason couples get into trouble. Almost everything stems from that, including their ability to maintain intimacy and connection over the long-term. As such, I was curious in Dr. John Gottman’s methods. What I discovered first hand is that these methods indeed help save marriages. Managing Conflict In Gottman’s best-seller, The [...]

3 Keys to Fixing Your Relationship Problems
CalgaryCounsellors2017-04-09T14:49:25-07:003 Keys to Fixing Your Relationship Problems 3 Keys to Resolving Relationship Problems & Recreating Happiness in your Couple or Marriage All couples can struggle with communication. In the beginning it can be more about negotiating each other’s preferences and ways of doing things. Later on it can be because life gets busy and we lose touch with one another as friends. Our happiness in a caring relationship depends on our ability to grow our friendship in the beginning stages of the relationship then to maintain the friendship throughout life’s challenges and busyness. HERE ARE 3 STEPS THAT CAN HELP IN ACHIEVING THIS: 1. Don’t bury the problems Keep your heart free [...]

Feeling Like a Bridezilla? Pre-Marriage Advice
CalgaryCounsellors2017-05-04T07:44:19-07:00Are You a Bridezilla? Pre-Marriage Advice Pre-wedding Advice for the Groom & Bride-to-Be written by Linda White Countless details beg your attention as you plan your special day, but taking care of yourself should be at the top of your to-do list. It will help you deal with stress while ensuring you're at your creative peak and have the strength to avoid your worst temptations. "When people get really stressed, their creative centre gets lost and they begin to panic - the fight or flight response," says Michael Haggstrom, a psychotherapist who offers pre-marriage counselling in Calgary, Alberta. Feeling on edge, tense, fatigued, worried or indecisive? Those are all signs of stress. You may also find yourself procrastinating or giving [...]