Signs and Symptoms of PTSD Trauma, Calgary Counselling "I'm on edge more than usual." "I wake up with disturbing images." "I'm having trouble trusting." "I can't concentrate like I used to." PTSD may not look the same for everyone. Symptoms can vary. What is PTSD? Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is more common than you think. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) describes PTSD as the development of characteristic symptoms following exposure to an extreme traumatic stressor. The person’s response to the event involves intense fear, helplessness, or horror. In children, however, the response may manifest as disorganized or agitated behaviour, but can also include numbing and [...]

Depression Signs Symptoms Calgary Counselling Services
CalgaryCounsellors2017-04-09T11:26:47-07:00Key Signs & Symptoms of Depression Are you, or a loved one, experiencing depressed moods? Here’s what you need to know No one has to be a slave to depressed moods. Psychology has taught us many new innovating ways to manage and even control negative emotions so they don’t drain us of essential energy. The first thing to do is to recognize how depression manifests with its signs and symptoms. Depression can affect anyone and there are many reasons a person may become depressed. Genetics plays a role, as well as a person’s life circumstance. The way our mind thinks, in positive or negative ways, also has an immense role in our emotional states. [...]
How Talk Therapy for Depression Works
CalgaryCounsellors2017-05-02T12:22:38-07:00How Talk Therapy Works for Depression written by Michael Haggstrom, Doctor in Counselling, Calgary Talk therapy, also referred to as psychotherapy, is a psychological treatment that helps those who suffer depression, anxiety, stress or other emotional problems. It is a recommended form of therapy by the American Psychological Association. Talk therapy is about discussing the main problems and causes of depression. It’s also about developing strategies on how to cope and resolve those problems while dealing with the stressors. Talk Therapy is Effective Many studies have proven that talk therapy is an effective treatment for depression. Some studies have also found that those who didn’t respond to drug treatment worked better with talk therapy. However, any therapy is really only as [...]