How Talk Therapy Works for Depression
written by Michael Haggstrom, Doctor in Counselling, Calgary
Talk therapy, also referred to as psychotherapy, is a psychological treatment that helps those who suffer depression, anxiety, stress or other emotional problems. It is a recommended form of therapy by the American Psychological Association.
Talk therapy is about discussing the main problems and causes of depression. It’s also about developing strategies on how to cope and resolve those problems while dealing with the stressors.
Talk Therapy is Effective
Many studies have proven that talk therapy is an effective treatment for depression. Some studies have also found that those who didn’t respond to drug treatment worked better with talk therapy.
However, any therapy is really only as good as the therapist who is using it. Always seek out someone who is able to provide you with competent advice that comes from many years of experience.
3 Types
There are different types of talk therapy including but not limited to individual counselling, family counselling, and group counselling.
Here are the most common types of talk therapy:
1) Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
CBT focuses on how your thoughts and behaviour contribute to depression. The therapist will help you find ways to better respond to situations, while also helping make positive changes in your thoughts and mental processes.
2) Interpersonal Therapy
This therapy focuses on your relationships with other people. The therapist will help you identify problems with how you may be interacting with other people that are not benefitting your mental and relational wellbeing.
3) Psychodynamic Therapy
This therapy focuses on the roots of your depression. You and your therapist may explore earlier experiences, such as prior traumas, that could be the root cause of your current depression.
Various Applications
Talk therapy can help all sorts of people in many different situations. It can be a solution-focused therapy for working through simple to more complex issues.
Research shows that talk therapy works well with all ages. It is not only for those who are clinically depressed, but for anyone needing to work through a life situation that is problematic.
Talk therapy can help reduce stress in life, give you a new perspective on problems with family, friends or work and help you learn ways on how to improve your relationships.
Getting to Know Me: What’s Behind Psychoanalysis, by Jonathan Shedler. Scientific American. November 2010.
Cuijpers, P., van Straten, A., Andersson, G., & van Oppen, P. (2008). Psychotherapy for depression in adults: A meta-analysis of comparative outcome studies. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 76, 909–922. DOI: 10.1037/a0013075
Hollon, S.D., Stewart, M.O., & Strunk, D. (2006). Enduring effects for cognitive behavior therapy in the treatment of depression and anxiety. Annual Review of Psychology, 57, 285-315. DOI: 10.1146/annurev.psych.57.102904.190044
Solution-Focused Talk Therapy for Depression, Calgary
At Solutions for Life Management, Calgary, we are happy to help clients struggling with depression or other personal issues by aiding them in talking through those situations until they come to resolution.
We provide a confidential and non-judgemental environment in which you will feel safe and comfortable to bring up any issue that is of concern. We also combine a solution-focused approach to the work we do.
Schedule your FREE PHONE Consult here
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Dr. Michael Haggstrom
& Marcus Pankiw

I have a parent that has been really depressed for all of 2020 before covid. and I don’t know what to do, he doesn’t take into consideration into advice I try to give them but he just seems to have accepted this downward spiral. he has really seemed to get worse ever since he has been forced to put the house for sale. if there is any place thing that i can tell him to go to or do to help his it would be greatly apreaciated.
Hello Kallen,
It’s really tough to have a parent lost in a world of depression, especially when they’re not receiving help.
In most towns or cities there is a “Health Link” number you can call to see if there is any local help for this. I live in Alberta, Canada and the number here is 811.
This is a provincial number that you can call to talk with a nurse. When you call 811, you will reach someone who can give you information about what resources are available for you locally.
Hope this helps to get your parent the assistance needed.
Best wishes,
Dr. Michael Haggstrom