Friends, Family & Couples Counselling, Calgary

How Happy are you in Your Relationships?

We all want to have close relationships that matter.
Where we can be real, have fun and find meaning.

But, how do we create those relationships? How do we make them last?
How do we navigate the difficult times when we have conflict or don’t get along?

Watch this 2 Min. Video
In your relationships, do you want to…?

 RESOLVE Conflict          RECREATE Passion          IMPROVE Communication

Sometimes, communication breaks down.
You want to stop the negative cycle, but don’t know how.

We can all benefit from discovering new skills to improve our current relationships
and also to build new ones.

10 Key Areas that Affect Relationship Health

Try this Self-Test

Score yourselves on a scale of 1 to 5 on how satisfied you are?
     1 = Not Satisfied        5 = Very Satisfied

1. We feel passionate about each other     1 — — 2 — — 3 — — 4 — — 5

2. We handle conflict well                              1 — — 2 — — 3 — — 4 — — 5

3. We achieve goals together                        1 — — 2 — — 3 — — 4 — — 5

4. Our values are in sync                                1 — — 2 — — 3 — — 4 — — 5

5. We see eye-to-eye on money                    1 — — 2 — — 3 — — 4 — — 5

6. We handle family issues well                  1 — — 2 — — 3 — — 4 — — 5

7. We share common interests                    1 — — 2 — — 3 — — 4 — — 5

8. We spend quality time together             1 — — 2 — — 3 — — 4 — — 5

9. Our sexual life is satisfying                      1 — — 2 — — 3 — — 4 — — 5

10. We understand one another                 1 — — 2 — — 3 — — 4 — — 5

FROM YOUR RESULTS, how happy are you?

Want to know more? We can help. Click below
Effective Change Requires Becoming a Team

Consider the areas of your relationship you want to improve. Then…
     1) Talk openly with your partner
     2) Discuss the areas you can both improve upon
     3) Create a plan and work it together

Success happens only when concrete action is taken toward a common goal. This requires living your relationships in a conscious manner with open, honest dialogue.

Relationships are dynamic, not static. They are living and will either grow or die, depending upon how well we take care of them. When we forget this, we will take them for granted believing they will be there no matter what we do.

Most relationships struggle because we fail to invest in them and also learn the skills required to keep them vibrant.

Friends, Family & Couples Counselling in Calgary

Professional counselling improves relationships more effectively than trying to do it on your own. It’s a place where everyone can say what you need to say, without judgement or being interrupted.We will help you navigate the discussions in a safe and honest manner, helping you avoid the pitfalls of ongoing arguments or gridlock.

I will seek to help you gain better understanding into one another and learn the skills required to resolve your issues so you are better equipped next time a disagreement arises. Counselling can strengthen your relationship in as little as 3 to 8 sessions.

Call or Email. I am here to help.

Schedule your FREE Phone Consult here

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 AIM for the best.  DON’T settle for less.
Your relationships deserve it. 

Want to Know More? Check out these Free Relationship Articles